Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
- Matthew 28:19
repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.
- Luke 24:47–48
Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you."
- John 20:21
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
- Acts 1:8
strategic mission partners
To maintain focus and effectiveness, a vital aspect of our missions strategy is to establish and maintain ongoing partnerships with churches and organizations to make disciples. These relationships are long term and holistic with both parties vested, involved, and connected. We evaluate each opportunity on a case-by-case basis and define our level of involvement and support using a binary structure.
Level One Partners receive consistent prayer support, regular funding, frequent short-term trips, and additional resources as needed.
Level Two Partners receive consistent prayer support, funding for special projects, and occasional short-term trips.
Local mission partners
Mission partners working in our own community - Bardstown.

bardstown community bible study
We are happy to be the host location for the Bardstown Community Bible Study (CBS) class. CBS is an interdenominational Bible study with nearly 700 classes in the United States and 5 in Kentucky. The mission of Community Bible Study is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible Study available to all.

Bethany haven
Bethany Haven is a transitional homeless shelter for single women and families in Bardstown/Nelson County Kentucky.

Bluegrass Christian academy
Bluegrass Christian Academy (BCA), founded in 2004, is a Christian school dedicated to providing a quality classical Christian education to pre-K through 8th grade students, with rigorous academic standards from a Biblical perspective.

Iglesia Bautista Emanuel
Iglesia Bautista Emanuel is the Hispanic ministry of the Nelson Baptist Association. Parkway is a host for Iglesia Bautista Emanuel. Worship is every Sunday in room F-121 starting at 2:00 PM.

Nelson Baptist Association
The Nelson Baptist Association (NBA) consists of forty-five Southern Baptist Churches, located in Nelson, Bullitt, Spencer, and Jefferson counties in Kentucky, who partner to strengthen churches and spread Christ’s love.

New Life Center
The New Life Center is a family support center located in Bardstown, Ky. We work alongside their staff to support and strengthen families in our community.
REgional mission partners
Mission partners working within and near our community, in the state of Kentucky.

Kentucky Baptist Convention
The Kentucky Baptist Convention is a cooperative missions and ministry organization made up of nearly 2,400 autonomous Baptist churches in Kentucky. These churches have a total membership of more than 750,000. The term “Kentucky Baptist Convention” refers to both the denomination and its annual meeting. Working through 71 local associations and in cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention, Kentucky Baptists share a common bond of basic Biblical beliefs and a commitment to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world.

Practical Shepherding
Practical Shepherding was founded by Brian Croft, author and former Pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, to serve as a resource center for pastors and church leaders to equip them in the practical matters of pastoral ministry. Practical Shepherding equips, encourages, and edifies pastors from London, Kentucky to London, England to lead and teach their people well by providing theological training and resources to them. We are convinced that partnering with this group to better equip pastors means exponential benefits as they glorify God by making disciples.

Sunrise Children's Services
Sunrise Children’s Services provides care and hope for hurting families and children through Christ-centered ministries. They provide care for close to 800 kids and family members throughout the state of Kentucky.

Orphan Care Alliance
OCA is an organization based out of Louisville, Ky, that seeks to equip, connect, and mobilize Christians to serve vulnerable children and families. Their vision is for the Church to lead the efforts of caring for the foster and adoptive community in Kentucky and southern Indiana. Pray for OCA as an organization, that God would provide all they need to excel in serving the foster and adoptive community. Pray for the team at OCA, that they would each be equipped for the ministry they provide on a daily basis. Also, pray for the foster and adoptive community in Nelson County, that God would use the efforts of OCA of sharing the gospel with children and families to save.

Northpoint Training Center
Parkway Baptist Church provides a Certified Volunteer Chaplain (CV) for Northpoint Training Center, a medium-security state prison in Burgin, near Danville, KY. Services include a weekly Bible study, a Sunday morning worship service twice a month and counseling for prisoners and staff. The CV also provides routine chaplaincy support for the prison through the Institutional Religious Center (IRC.)
There are also members of Parkway who are involved in Residents Encounter Christ (REC), an annual three-day retreat in the prison which includes monthly follow-up visits through Inmate Services.
National mission partners
Mission partners working in the states.

North American Mission Board
The North American Mission Board (NAMB) exists to work with churches, associations and state conventions in mobilizing Southern Baptists as a missional force to impact North America with the gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism and church planting.

Outpost Community Church
In 2016, Parkway commissioned Jason Aaron, along with his wife Amanda and their four children, to plant Outpost Community Church in Monroe, Michigan. The church began holding weekly worship services in January of 2019. Outpost Community Church strives to be a diverse family of rescued sinners, led by the Holy Spirit, growing in love for God and love for neighbor. We continue to partner with Outpost and celebrate the good work the Lord is doing.

Neighborhood Churches
Neighborhood Churches for Forgotten Places is a church planting organization that is dedicated to planting Christ-centered churches and reaching the lost in New Bedford, Massachusetts. All six states of New England are statistically unreached (<2% professing evangelical Christian). With a ministry centered on God's Word and a mission of planting gospel saturated churches, Neighborhood Churches is one of our strategic partners that provides not only an opportunity to partner in gospel work in New England, but to go visit on a trip, or even send workers.

Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) seeks to strengthen the Church to speak the truth in love by providing quality training and certification processes, a global network of like-minded individuals and institutions, and a source of practical and biblical resources for the Church. ACBC seeks to bring biblical solutions for the problems people face, upholding that the method God has given to do this is truth in love.
InterNational mission partners
Mission partners taking the gospel to the nations.

International Mission Board
The International Mission Board (IMB) isan entity of our Southern Baptist Convention. Its mission is to make disciples of all peoples in fulfillment of the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20. Over 6,000 people groups – 1.7 billion people – still live with little or no access to the Gospel.

Send Relief
A collaboration between the IMB and NAMB, Send Relief is the Southern Baptist one-stop shop for compassion ministry at home and abroad. We respond to crisis and strengthen vulnerable communities around the world by meeting physical and spiritual needs in Jesus’ name.

Petra International Ministries
Since 2012, we have been working with Iglesia Biblica Petra Churches in the cities of Managua, Matagalpa, Chinandega, as well as on the island of Ometepe (Balgue and Meridia). Their goal is to train and send church planters to begin 20 new churches by 2025.

20schemes allows a unique opportunity to partner locally and abroad simultaneously. Pastor Matthew Spandler-Davison of Redeemer Fellowship Church in Bardstown serves as the Executive Director of 20schemes. Parkway partners with this organization which exists to build healthy, gospel-preaching churches in Scotland’s poorest communities in order to bring true, sustainable, and long-term renewal to Scotland’s schemes.

Coreluv orphanages
Coreluv’s vision is to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to orphans around the world by providing the six basic needs: clean water, proper food, healthcare, education, job skills, and a loving home. Parkway’s desire is to regularly send small teams to the Man Coreluv orphanage to assist in various projects as well as with basic orphan care.
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