In our effort to make disciples of all nations, we will support ongoing mission efforts of the Cooperative Program. Since 1925, Southern Baptists have been partnering together to impact the world through the Cooperative Program (CP). The CP allows affiliating Southern Baptist churches to work together to fulfill the Great Commission.
The CP supports the following ministries around the world:
To learn more about the Cooperative Program and how it is impacting the world with the gospel, visit the link:
- the mission and evangelistic efforts of state conventions.
- the work of ~3,500 international missionaries in 153 countries through the International Missions Board (IMB).
- the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and its partners, who support 5,081 missions personnel working on our continent to fulfill the Great Commission.
- the work of the six SBC seminaries in their effort to equip future missionaries, pastors, and church leaders.
- the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), the GuideStone Financial Resources, and the Southern Baptist Foundation.
To learn more about the Cooperative Program and how it is impacting the world with the gospel, visit the link: