Missionaries of Parkway Baptist Church
In our effort to make disciples of all nations, our desire is to nurture and send vocational missionaries. An important part of our strategy is to pray for, encourage, and send out men, women, and families from Parkway to spread the good news to the ends of the earth.
Due to the sensitive nature of the work being done, we cannot disclose the locations or ministry specifics of several of our missionaries.
John & Jenna Owens
John and Jenna are serving in a highly restricted area through the International Mission Board, the ministry branch of the SBC designed to carry out the great commission to the nations. The IMB is supported by the Cooperative Program.

Jason & Amanda Aaron
Jason and Amanda are currently serving in Monroe, Michigan, which is 20 miles south of Detroit. They planted Outpost Community Church (OCC) and are continuing the work of engaging the lost with the gospel.

Chris and Lori Hart
The Hart family is serving through Ethnos360, a mission organization with a goal to reach people who have no access to the gospel. They help with missionary training and discipleship at the Ethnos360 Bible Institute.